Membership Form and Payment
Membership year is October 1st - September 30th
Membership Invitation Letter
Membership is available to all people who are interested to interact with and learn about our manufacturing community.
To: Members of our Manufacturing Community
Subject: 2023-24 Minn-Dak Manufacturers Association Membership Form
We are inviting you to continue and/or join Minn-Dak Manufacturers Association (MDMA). We are committed to provide our members and guests with as many learning opportunities as possible. We want to bring clear value to every tour/event you take time to attend. For those of you who haven’t been active in the association, Minn-Dak is a group of people representing a variety of our regional manufacturing companies and service bureaus.
Our regional manufacturing community abounds with state-of-the-art technology and best practices. Our events include tours, speakers, and a December Holiday program which present many great opportunities to network with people from other companies, share ideas, and gain insight on how to improve our own operations and work environments.
Barring unforeseen events, our events will be scheduled to take place during the noon time on the third Tuesday of each month. The only exception is of our first event which is planned to take place in one of our local breweries which will take place during 4-6:30 PM. Event meals are provided to the MDMA members at no cost. Spouses and non-members are welcome to attend, and can look at the event registration page for details about any related cost.
It should be every member’s goal to have at least one person attending the tour each month (and hopefully several people). We are working hard to increase our membership, and are challenging all of our members to bring a non-member with them to one of our monthly meetings this year. Growing our association, like our businesses, is a team effort and we appreciate your help. Tour information will be emailed to you in advance of the tour to allow plenty of time to put it on your calendar. We encourage you to forward this email to every person in your organization who may be interested in attending. If you send us a list of appropriate email addresses at your company, we will make sure they get copied when the tour email is sent out.
Please support the MDMA by participating in various activities that we plan and by continuing your membership.
We are looking forward to another great year! If you would like to have the Minn-Dak Manufacturers Association tour your facility or have ideas for places that you would like to tour, please let us know ASAP. The Minn-Dak Board is in the process of developing the tour schedule for the upcoming season so there is still time to get your facility on the list!
On behalf of the MDMA Officers and Board of Directors,
Patrick Mineer, MDMA President